Tuesday, 9 October 2007

A Banner Day

We had a great day yesterday. We started our day around 8:45am and we had to get the kids out of bed. We could've slept for longer, but we (ok, I) decided we should go to the Oktoberfest/Thanksgiving Parade. It was such a beautiful day, how could we not!? The parade starts at 8:30 in the morning (!!), but the route is long enough that we still had time to get there and park our butts near the end of the parade route before it got there. Alex enjoyed the horses (especially the ones with the "hats") and Zach pretty much just played with his Link-a-Doos. He was SUCH a GOOD baby considering he hadn't eaten since before 7am. I thought for sure I'd have to boob him at the parade.
Her hair starts to curl in the humidity. She's going to HATE that when she's older!

Yes, it was this hot!!


After the parade we grabbed a bite at McD's. And Zach was still content just to be a baby. We decided to go to FunWorX, since it was family day and cheaper than normal. Zach finally had a "bite" there (around 1pm - so that was a long stretch between feedings). Alex had fun running around the play structure. (The socks she's wearing in the pictures were provided by the facility. You can't go barefoot there.)

Those are Daddy's fuzzy knees. Not mine!

Zach in the ball pit.She was not too sure about Oncle Hans. Wouldn't go near him!

The biggest thing that happened though? Alex pooped on the toilet! Yay!! Ok, so it's only been the once, but YAY!! I never thought I'd be so excited to see sh!t in the toilet!! (Maybe when I'm 80 it'll make me that happy again).
(No pictures to commemorate that event, sorry).


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