Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Zachary's political debut


Watch the video :)

What an amazing gift

It really is quite phenomenal, this gift we've been given. I get to see the world through the eyes of a child. It's quite spectacular if you let it in. Whenever you're blessed with the presence of a child, really listen to what they're saying. Really see what they're looking at. Let them guide you, lead you. The things they get joy from are so simple to us. We miss so much. Thank you for blessing me with two beautiful sets of eyes to see the world through again.

I started thinking of the subject of this post on my drive to Niagara Falls today. As I was going up the Garden City Skyway I was thinking back to the last time I crossed over it. Jean-Paul, Zachary, Alexandria and I were going to Niagara Falls for a couple days. I pointed out the "very big bridge" as we approached and Alex replied with, "Wow!" As we drove over she exclaimed, "We're driving right up to the SKY! Mommy! Look! We're going up to the sky!!" And yes, all you could see if you looked forward was sky. It was such a litte moment. It was such a simple moment. It was such an amazing moment.

I'm actually welling up a bit as I type this. I am truly, truly thankful and grateful for this gift. Through the eyes of a child...... We all need to see the world this way a bit more. I'm going to do my best to tune in as much as I possibly can. The gift is powerful, but the gift is fleeting. In a blink they will be grown and I will have to be patient to wait for the next generation, if I am blessed enough to have that chance again.

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

My, Dora! How you've changed!

Dora Dora Dora the Explorer..... She's all growed up! She's gone from this pudgy little, bob-cut, tomboyish character to, well... scroll down and see.

Apparently Nickelodeon is unveiling a new Dora this fall. This is not to replace the current (and apparently very voraciously loved) Dora the Explorer. There is quite the uproar in the "mommunity". I'm not going to cast any judgment until I see an episode or two of the "new" Dora. People are saying she's been sexualized, but she just looks like she's blossoming into a tween. (Although the silhouettes, especially the second one, look more like "too sexy too soon".) The character is supposed to be 10 - and I think that looks about right. We'll have to see what type of "role model" this new Dora is.

Monday, 16 March 2009

They're doing a bit better

I had blogged about rampant gender "pigeon-holing" in a previous blog entry (click here for the reference). I was somewhat pleasantly surprised to see a minor change in the Fisher-Price 50th anniversary catalogue that recently came with my issue of Today's Parent. You can go to the Little People Catalogue and check it out. You'll need to "flip" a few "pages" before you come to the picture I'm referring to. For the Spin 'n Crash Raceway (that Zachary got for Christmas) they show a girl playing with it at one point in the catalogue and a woman race car driver (showing what the little girl could grow up to do by playing with this toy.....). It's a small step, but a step nonetheless.On another note, I think I'm done the 2007 edition of this blog-to-book I've been working on :) I just need to print it off to proofread it. (Highly recommended before ordering the book!!)

Sunday, 15 March 2009

The reason for my lack of blogging

I've been spending all my free "computer" time working on putting this blog into a book. I'm making what should be a simple process quite time-consuming. I'm now reformatting more stuff and adding more pictures. It will be more of a "year-in-the-life" type thing now. I'm really excited!! And if anyone wants a copy, you'll be able to get one, too. A great keepsake for the grandparents, too :)

Monday, 9 March 2009

Like sister, like brother

Why do the children wait until they are in the presence of the grandparents to unveil their new "strong" words? Alexandria did it when she about 2 or 3. After she spent a couple days with Nana and Grandpa, we were getting the rundown of how things went. Grandpa explained Alex had said a new word - "f**k". Nice. She never said it in front of us and I don't think she ever used it again. We didn't give it any attention.

This weekend Zachary thought he would add some emphasis to his "Ow!" with an "Ow. F**k!" Not once, not twice, but three times. He was putting his hands under his seat belt and saying it. I just said, "Pardon?" and looked at what he was doing. I just simply said, "Please don't put your hands under there." And that was it. We haven't heard the word since. I hope that was it!

And why is THAT word so easy for little kids to say?! It has very basic sounds, so it comes out nice and clearly.... I also realized I should stop saying "phoonk" when I plunk him down. "Phoonk" does not come out that way when a toddler says it!

Saturday, 7 March 2009

The things we pass onto our kids...

She's never seen me do it, so I can only chalk it up to being genetic. Alexandria is a sore loser and a gloating winner. I hate to lose. I'm pretty competitive - not so much on the outside, depending on the company. The sore loser thing is probably pretty common in kids, since none of us really LIKE to lose, but it's the being all gloaty when she wins that makes me laugh.

We were playing a board game with her (Checkersaurus Rex - the flip side) and she won. She was all smiles and was doing this little, butt-wiggling dance. Jean-Paul just looked at me and said sarcastically, "I wonder where she gets that?" Ok. So I get a little jiggy when I win. So? Well, apparently the little "I won"-butt-wiggle-dance has been somehow genetically passed on to the next generation. Wonder what else will pop up?