Monday, 16 March 2009

They're doing a bit better

I had blogged about rampant gender "pigeon-holing" in a previous blog entry (click here for the reference). I was somewhat pleasantly surprised to see a minor change in the Fisher-Price 50th anniversary catalogue that recently came with my issue of Today's Parent. You can go to the Little People Catalogue and check it out. You'll need to "flip" a few "pages" before you come to the picture I'm referring to. For the Spin 'n Crash Raceway (that Zachary got for Christmas) they show a girl playing with it at one point in the catalogue and a woman race car driver (showing what the little girl could grow up to do by playing with this toy.....). It's a small step, but a step nonetheless.On another note, I think I'm done the 2007 edition of this blog-to-book I've been working on :) I just need to print it off to proofread it. (Highly recommended before ordering the book!!)


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