Friday, 12 September 2008

Some "First Day" pics

So excited for her first day!

A very happy little girl (with a very big backpack!)
She had to wear a dinosaur shirt
"so all my new kid friends will know I like dinosaurs".
Too cute!

We could barely keep up with her!!

Being greeted by her teacher. The blue sheet in her hand? She gave it to Alex to give to me. Calming tea to help relieve the first day anxiety of the parents! (That got me close to the breaking point!!)

Being shown where to line up in the mornings.
(Quick cute story. After we met her teacher last week I asked Alex if her teacher seemed nice. Alex replied, "I don't know." She hadn't known her long enough to pass judgment, I guess. I asked her again at the end of the first day and she was able to form an opinion.
The verdict is - she has a nice teacher.)

She was paired up with an SK buddy to guide her through the first day.
(Gosh that backpack's huge!!!)

Still winning the smallest JKer award! The little boy's a close second, I think!

Holding hands with her "buddy"

The end of the day. So tired!!

How did we go from that little ball of baby I was holding in the hospital
to this schoolgirl?!

Zachary showing us how nice the weather was that day.
A bit cool in the morning, but sunny and warm the rest of the day.

My tuckered out little baby girl!


mom2peaches said...

omg... I was gonna cry too! Yah I cant believe how quickly the little babies have become school kids... so fast... *sigh*

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