Sunday, 8 February 2009

Too tired to blog

I'm just going to go to bed. (In a sec, after I give a quick update)

We've been so busy. Grandma came yesterday and we went to the mall with the skating rink. Zachary ate and talked the whole time. "Hockey players!" "Hockey balls!" "Crash!!" "Mighty Machine!" (Zamboni) "It's coming! It's coming!" (the zamboni). These phrases were repeated over and over. Or he just went with "Hockey!" if there was nothing specific he could think of.

Today was Dirty Dancing. Grandma and I had a great time. Great seats (free seats, too - can't beat that!). Oooo, and we saw the Princess Margaret grand prize show homes. Nice!

This week will be Kevin Smith and a screening of Mallrats. Some laughs at the Rivoli. A mini vacation and indoor waterpark with the kiddies.

Later this month is the Annual Yovanoff Pot Luck. Fun and good food. Yum!

And at some point we have to find time to get the new carpet put in.....


CivilWar Fangirl said...

It was great to see you guys yesterday (even though it was just for a short time!). I can't believe how much Zach is talking! And it certainly sounds like you and your mom had a great time at the play and looking at those homes!

Jeremy and I were pretty tired yesterday but I'm so glad we were able to get out of town for the day. We had a great day, too!

Have a good time in Niagara! How many days are you guys going for?

Failsafe said...

What's this FEEDJIT crap on the side of the screen drawing my attention away from your entries?

Lisa aka @those2girls said...

I saw Dirty Dancing & loved it! Thanks for putting me on your blogroll (Sunshine)
I'll add you to mine (just learning to be a regular blogger)
Take Care!

JackiYo said...

FEEDJIT allows you to see where people are coming from into your blog, and where they are leaving to. Kinda neat.

Diane said...

Yes I love FEEDJIT especially when you can see ppl who come to read your blog. I love it because I have been able to see that ppl from all around the world have come to my blog. I get so excited to see out of canada/usa visitors.

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