Monday, 26 May 2008

While I was at work...

... Zachary took 3 steps... forwards. Then took a couple for me when I got home. Actually I was in the bathroom when Jean-Paul brought him to me. He stood Zach up and let him go, and he took a couple steps towards me. I said, "He's walking!". Jean-Paul replied, "Ya, I forgot to mention that." So yes, Zach was under strict orders not to take his first steps when I wasn't there, but in true Zach style, didn't listen.

He took about 7 steps at the Early Years Centre tonight, too. Here's some video we took just before bed. He was way too tired to perform, so really, he's not walking too much on here....


GeoPlanIT said...

Well done Zach! Now if only I could walk so well....

The Man from Uncle Elliot

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