Monday, 28 July 2008

Spamming, Spoofing and Phishing

Got my first spoof emails. The first one was disguised as an eBay email sent from another member. It stated "You got my $500 but I never received my Sony laptop. I will be contacting police and eBay if I don't get it soon" or something to that effect. Like an idiot, I replied to the email stating I have never sold anything on eBay and you must have the wrong person - so they then had my email.

Fast forward a couple weeks. I get a phishing email from "PayPal" stating my account is being limited due to suspicious activity and I need to click on a link and follow the steps.

I also got another one from the "eBay member", too. I forwarded all three emails to the respective websites. All have confirmed they are scam emails. I am currently scanning my computer in case I'm infected with a virus.

At least I didn't put any information in their spoof sites. They were very, very legit looking. Even when compared side by side to the actual sites. I can see how people can fall for it.


Failsafe said...

Saheeb from Nigeria, who is the sole heir to his grandfather's entire $50,000,000 fortune, would also like you give you a cut. :)

Make sure you don't even click the links in suspicious e-mails. Just delete 'em.

JackiYo said...

I know. That's what I did by accident....

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