Monday, 14 January 2008
Our trip to the R.O.M.
We took the kids to the R.O.M. on Wednesday. We started at the mall, took the subway down, spent about 2-3 hours at the museum (Dino exhibit and kids' zone). Then we subwayed back to the mall for a bit (food and to wait for traffic to ease) before heading home. Alex LOVED the subway ride. She's been missing it. The dinos are in the new area of the museum. They have the largest dinosaur skeleton in Canada - Gordo the Barosaurus.

Wanted to get a better shot of this, but the battery died right then. (And the back-up battery? Not charged!! Arrrgh! Didn't get any cool shots in the Discovery Zone :( She dug for fossils and everything. Had a blast!)
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