Sunday, 27 January 2008

Thanks a bunch!

My parents visited today. Jean-Paul's been working at a wedding show and he's been working long hours. I've been feeling the tiredness of dealing with a wants-to-be-with-mommy, sucky, no-crib-sleeping baby. (Zach is feeling better today, although, right now he's on the couch with Daddy. He woke up crying and wouldn't settle. I think the teeth are bugging him, too.) It was nice to have a bit of a break today - even if it was just to the grocery store and Rona. (Thanks for picking up the tabs, Grandpa!) Grandma was a big help, too. Zach was more than happy to snuggle into Grandma rather than Mommy. Thanks for dinner, too. Alex thought pizza would be good, so she and Grandpa went out and got the 'za. Alex was quite proud that she had her own little pizza all to herself.

My throat feels as if I might be getting sick, too.... Hope not! Carla-Ann is supposed to visit on Tuesday. She's a friend from back in my newspaper days (and beyond). And then Wednesday is my shopping excursion to the States with Jeremy and Mary (you hear me, Mother Nature!? No squalls that day. No flurries, please.....)


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