Thursday, 21 June 2007

Escaping the heat

I packed up the kids last Wednesday and we've been at Grandpa and Grandma's place since then. We're going to head home tomorrow, with a stop at the new house on the way. We didn't put the air conditioner in at the townhouse and hoped the heatwaves would hold off until July when we would be in our new place with central air. Nope. How many hot days have we had?! I've lost count - and there's another wave of hot/humid coming next week. Sheesh....

Nana and Grandpa and Grandpa have been very busy at our new place painting and flooring. Thanks to them it's getting close to being done. We would have had to hire people if it weren't for them. There's no way Jean-Paul and I would have been able to do this on our own, especially in time to move. So THANKS SO MUCH!! And thanks to Grandma, too for watching Alex and Zach while Mommy did some new house stuff, too!


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