Thursday 13 March 2008

The One, The Only, The Bon, The Jovi

Tuesday my mom came to stay for a couple nights to visit and lend a hand. Jean-Paul went to Toronto to see Nicholas Nickleby Part I, then to see Ron at the Rivoli afterwards. He didn't get home until the wee hours of the morning, so it was night to have another pair of hands around.

Wednesday around noon I headed out of town with 4 other moms for an afternoon of shopping (Vaughan Mills and IKEA), then dinner (WITHOUT kids!! yay!!) and yup, Bon Jovi. The concert was great. Nathalie (the driver mom) brought earplugs. They worked really well. You could actually hear the music and band more clearly without the constant hum of the crowd. Mom stayed with the kids while Jean-Paul went to work from about 2-9:30 or so. (Thanks again, Mom!) Alexandria was sad to see her go today :(

Here are some pics from last evening:The ladies out for a kid-free supper. We got to eat food that we didn't have to unwrap. We got to eat our meal without having to serve others first. We got to eat our meal hot! We got to drink (some of us, anyway). And we could focus on conversation instead of children. We love our kids, but..... ;)Many, many Jon Bon Jovis.Love the digital zoom! Not completely clear, but not bad at all considering how far back we really were.This was not on the stage. He popped up behind the sound guys in the middle of the crowd for a couple songs.A zoomed in shot of the closer Jon Bon Jovi. He's a yummy man!Daughtry (opening act and American Idol cast-off) came out for Blaze of Glory.Janet, Cary (with the $4 bottle of water!) and I in the further row and Catt and Kathy in front of us. (Nathalie took that pic)Nathalie, Janet (the only non-desperate housewife of the evening), Cary and me. Sorry you felt like a bag of crap Cary! You did really well!


CivilWar Fangirl said...

Looks like all of you had a great time!

Next up? DEF LEPPARD!!! :)

JackiYo said...

Hee hee. It should be fun. With Styx and REO Speedwagon, too.

Italia girl said...

Your one and only Bon Jovi just got arrested for driving under the influence and there were two minors in the car

Jane Sr. said...

That was a great night....we had so much fun and the drinks were HUGE!!!

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