Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Back from the Big Smoke

We made a "quick" trip to Toronto today to visit the doc just to check on Zachary's ears. The doctor said there was some fluid, but not an infection (at the moment), but it could "go either way". We have to keep an eye out for crankiness and/or a fever. I really hope he doesn't develop another infection. Back-to-back antibiotics would not be a good thing.

Jean-Paul's gone back to Toronto already to see a show tonight. I'm heading back there tomorrow to talk to work about my "return" date and not coming back - if I find other work. I hoping they'll be flexible and let me come back if I need to..... We'll see!!


CivilWar Fangirl said...

Poor Zach! Hopefully everything will turn to be alright. How is he feeling now?

And I hope your meeting went well with work. Good luck with all that!

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