Those of you who know me know I love Twitter. It has opened so many doors and given me the opportunity to get to know some GREAT people. One of those amazing people is Kathy Buckworth (simply @KathyBuckworth on Twitter.) She is now a five-time author and her latest serving is titled "Shut Up and Eat". The kids and I took a road-trip to Mississauga on Saturday to Chapters Square One to go to her book signing - and go to Taima Zone after.
I had met Kathy on a few occassions before and she's always funny and welcoming. I picked up a copy of her book - and of course, had her sign it. There were a few other Twitter people at the signing. I got to see @optimom Laurel, @MississaugaKids Anne and @sarahcasm Sarah - and she just happened to be there! She didn't realize the book signing was going on and had just dropped in - all the way from Ajax. Go figure me from Kitchener and her from Ajax would just bump into each other by pure happenstance in Mississauga. :)
Kathy's two youngest kids were also at the signing with her - and all the kids were very good the whole time, mine even helped at the end. And thanks to her daughter for drawing my name as the winner of the P&G gift pack including a pretty cool Swiffer Sweeper Vac.
All four of our kids had a great time helping her after the signing was over. She signed a bunch of copies of "Shut Up and Eat" and her previous book "The BlackBerry Diaries". Alex and Zach loved helping. :)
After the signing was over, Kathy and her kids headed over to Taima Zone, too. They'd heard the kids and I mention we were going there and thought that was a pretty good idea. So, Kathy and I got to chat a bit while our kids played and played. After she and her kids packed it in, I was on my own and got to sink my teeth into "Shut Up and Eat". (See what I did there? I made a funny.) I read half the book while I was there. It is broken down into easily digestible chunks (again with the funny) and is so hilarious I didn't want to put it down. It's a great combination of tales, anecdotes and recipes - recipes that are so easy even *I* can make them! AND it's nice to know I'm not the only who says "idiot" in her head a lot when referring to the husband. ;)
Last night I made my first dish from the book. OK, "dish" is stretching it. This is her easiest recipe. Actually they're all pretty simple, but this one? Pudding in a fancy cup. Oreo cookie. Done. I didn't have any parfait cups as the recipe called for, but my kids were pleased with the dessert nonetheless. Easy peasy and mom's a hero.
Didn't get a picture of Zach's quick enough!
Alexandria and Zachary's were made with butterscotch. And Mommy and Daddy's were made with chocolate. And I crushed up some Oreos for the bottom, too. Mmmm.
Tonight I'll be trying the Fish Cakes recipe - subbing in ham and cheese instead. In fact, I'm finishing this post while the patties cool in the fridge. Tuesday's going to the be the Easy, Easy, Easy Chicken and Rice Casserole. I feel all "Julie and Julia" here!
Monday, 29 March 2010
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