I was going through one of those places where "stuff" goes. You know those places. I'm sure you have those places. I have LOTS of those places. Too many...
Today I came across something Jean-Paul gave me when we were dating. I'm posting it on here for a few reasons. 1) To share. It makes me smile. It might make you smile, too. 2) So it will be kept in another place, just in case the original is ever lost. 3) So it can be a part of the yearly blog books I'm making, and therefore be read years later by my kids. 4) So I remember what that new relationship felt like, and maybe, just maybe, recapture some of that and help it work its way back into our lives. 'Cuz, really, we're more like roommates with kids at this point than husband and wife. Typing this out is an exercise in remembering the important stuff.
So, here it is - "Top 50 Things About Jacki Allin" by Jean-Paul Yovanoff - Cheese Cards - 1999
50. Can understand my crazy theatre schedule
49. Will work for me in a pinch or for money
48. Loves animals, except Omar* at times
47. Does not date other people anymore
46. So cute
45. Looks 18, and probably will for life
44. Doesn't mind me cooking
43. Puts up with Christian**
42. Is a Big Sister
41. Doesn't mind me reproducing
40. Does not mind hockey
39. Thinks Mike McDonald is funny
38. Not liking my sister more than me. Either of them
37. Keeps me warm at night
36. Accepts my being a nude model
35. Watches 'Whose Line is it Anyway?'
34. Watches 'Friends'
33. Still so damn cute
32. Doesn't mind me watching wrestling
31. Good sense of direction
30. Will drive 100km to see me
29. Laughed at the movie 'Happiness'
28. The 3 Cs: Cash-Car-Cable
27. Quit smoking
26. Had a pet chicken
25. Loves calzones
24. Likes men in tights
23. Did I mention that you are so cute
22. Remembers things for me
21. You do the dishes in my house
20. Twisted sense of humour
19. Likes poor men
18. Told me how porcupines masterbate
17. Wants to move in with me
16. Can put up with my mood swings
15. Thinks Colin Mochrie is sexy
14. Can sleep at the drop of a hat. No wait, I hate that
13. Can lie in bed all day watching tv
12. 27" tv (stereo)
11. I think I said this in #23, but you're so cute
10. Likes Ben & Jerry's
9. Does not get jealous
8. Pizza bagels. Mmmmmm. Need I say more
7. Loves movies
6. Loves retro
5. Happy with Pedro
4. Plays NTN (and well)
3. Love Angry Beavers
2. Loves theatre
1. Loves me
*Omar is John and Shannon's cat. They were my roomies at the time.
**Christian was one of our best men and still a great (high-energy) friend.
Monday, 12 April 2010
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