Alexandria was just ahead of me on the sidewalk. I was pulling Zachary in the wagon and in a rhythm. Alex stopped and stooped over a bit.
I said: "Alexandria, please don't stop."
To which she replied: "But Mommy, I wanted to smell the flowers."
Thanks for the reminder, kid.
Here is a picture of our "pet" tulip. Alex has taken a real liking to this flower. We pulled out everything in the front gardeny-area (or, really, my dad did most of the work). Everything including the bulbs were ripped out (or so I thought.) Landscape tarp was laid and mulch was put over it. One tenacious tulip has sprouted. It must have grown sideways until it found a way up and "pop"... tulip!
Zachary obviously remembers dandelions can be blown on, but doesn't remember what state they need to be in for that to work. Too cute. He tried a few times, harder and harder, to blow on the dandelion.
Thursday, 15 April 2010
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