Tuesday 24 July 2007

I got to eat a whole bowl of soup....!

...while it was still hot!! Zach generally likes to choose mealtime to need attention. He was awake, sitting in his bouncy seat and he just watched me eat lunch. I figured a few spoonfuls into it he'd start fussing, but nope. I got through the whole thing. Then I thought, OK, should I push it and open the yogurt, too? He was getting squirmy, but I decided to press my luck (no whammies) opened it anyway. I got about halfway through that and he gave his little "yell" that says, "Look, if you don't get me soon I WILL start crying! Don't make me start crying! Because I will if I have to!"

This may not seem like a huge feat, but you moms out there know what I mean!!


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