Monday, 9 July 2007

Twice the man he used to be....

Zachary had his two-month appointment on Friday and he's weighing in at 11 lbs! He was 5 lb 10 when he was born, so he's only 4 oz away from doubling his weight. He's also gone from 46 cm to 60 cm long. He got his first round of shots at that appointment, too. Poor little dude! He was a bit cranky that evening. Who wouldn't be? Actually it was probably the 2 1/2 hour car ride home from the doctor. It should have only been about an hour. Gotta love rush hour traffic... We should really switch doctors to one closer. We just love ours so much! Thanks so much to Grandma for coming. I don't know what I would have done with Zach and Alex on my own....

Alexandria is off to Nana and Grandpa's for a couple of sleeps. They're going to hit the zoo tomorrow. Should be a blast!

The furniture comes on Wednesday. (I should probably call to confirm that!)

It is so nice to be so close to our friends now! I can just zip over and Alex can play with Lilly or Grace. I love our new neighbourhood, too. Can't wait to meet more of the neighbours. I think there are a few kids around for Alex and Zach to play with. And it is soooo nice to be able to just walk out of the house and go for a stroll!

I wonder what Zach and I will get up to tomorrow all by ourselves....


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