Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Just look at the change

It's quite incredible really. From three weeks to three months...


CivilWar Fangirl said...

Wow...definitely a huge difference! Zach has grown so much. Jeremy is in Peterborough next week (29 July - 3 August) AND than from August 12-17th (he's helping me move back to Goderich and he's on holidays). I de-activated my facebook account...I think I prefer blogging and e-mail ;). Glad to see Alexandria had such a great time seeing Thomas on the weekend! Great pics (I've still gotta watch the vids...).

JackiYo said...

It took me a while to figure out which "friend" I had lost! I figured it was you when I tried to tag in a photo and you weren't listed anymore.

Failsafe said...

Oh come on now, he's not growing - it's just a perspective thing. Look how much closer the camera is in the second picture. :)

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