Monday, 24 September 2007

Take a wild guess what Alex will be for Hallowe'en!

Anyone that knows Alexandria knows she's wild about dinosaurs. When the latest Sears catalogue came there was a supplement with costumes. On the page with the kids' costumes there was a triceratops. I looked at it and the price was reasonable so I gave the pamphlet to Alex and asked her to pick out what she wanted to be for Hallowe'en (after explaining Hallowe'en). I knew full well what she was going to pick, but this way it was "her" decision. So, we picked it up today and, of course, had to try it on!
She was happier without the head on. We'll see what happens on Hallowe'en. The smile below was when I reminded her was happens on Hallowe'en. We go to around to houses, say "trick or treat" and get..... CANDY!!


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