Saturday 8 September 2007

We just slept through dinner!

I was feeding Zach around 5:30 or so on the recliner. Alexandria came and curled up with us as well. We were all so cozy that we fell asleep! OK, they fell asleep soundly and I drifted in and out since I was upright in the chair and had two kids on me. We slept right through the dinner hour. Zach decided he'd had enough of a nap around 7 and he woke up SOUR! He was crying like he was tired so I put him in the swing and he's been napping since.... We'll see how tonight goes.... Instead of dinner Alex and I just had a big "snack" of apples, pears, cheese and crackers.

We were all just tuckered out, I guess!


CivilWar Fangirl said...

Sounds like all three of you needed to sleep! Nothing wrong with that though; naps are always great!

By the way, thanks for letting us crash at your place on the 20th :)!

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