Alexandria had a hard time getting to sleep tonight. She's pretty excited for her first day of Grade ONE tomorrow. French Immersion, too! I can't believe it. She's six. She's going into a GRADE. The summer's over. Zach's three. It's 2010. What. the. hell.
Tonight Alex said, "I don't know if I'll be nervous tomorrow or not." She's such a sweetie. I told her it was normal and ok for her to feel nervous. And, it was also normal and ok for her not to feel nervous.
She came out of her bedroom about 15 minutes after we tucked her into bed.
"Is it really late at night or really early in the morning?"
"It's nighttime, Sweetie."
"Then why is it a bit light out?"
"That's not the morning light, Sweets. That's the sun not quite down from tonight. Go to bed, Baby Girl. We'll make sure we wake you up in time for school tomorrow." :)
Tomorrow we'll all go as a family to see her off. Mommy may cry a little.
Monday, 6 September 2010
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