Wednesday 9 May 2007

Another curve ball!!

So far, this is how June was going to go...
June 7: close on house
Next two weeks: clean ducts, rip up carpet, take down wallpaper (you should see this wallpaper! Check out the picture), paint, put down laminate, put up fence, steam clean remaining carpet (and anything else that came up) - oh and maybe redo a bathroom. All the while packing in Toronto...
Final week of June: Finish packing, move and settle into new house

All this with a month and a half old baby and two and 3/4 year old (whose in daycare 3 days a week - thank goodness!). And, of course, a Mommy still working back up to speed...

Now here's the curve ball we were thrown yesterday... Our daycare provider is taking THREE WEEKS holidays in JUNE!! (Couldn't have been July, eh?) She told the administrators in FEBRUARY and she happened to bring it up in conversation with Jean-Paul yesterday assuming he already knew. NOPE! So now, we will have Alex around the whole time we're trying to do all this stuff. I guess on the upside - it will save us money!

So, looks like we'll try to sleep in July! (Right, Zach?!)


mom2peaches said...

Calling Nana, Grampa, Grandma and Grampa, and maybe some aunts & uncles too! You are going to need some help in June! That is a very ambitious schedule! Good luck!

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