Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Atomic Bum!!

Those of you who have/had breastfed babies understand this. Those of you who don't, let me explain one quick thing. Breastfed babies have poop that is pretty much liquid, so it can come out with quite an unimaginable force! Why am I explaining this? Well, today I was changing Zach. And it was a full poopy diaper to begin with, so I thought there was no more in there. I was wrong. Dead wrong. It came without warning, without so much as a squeak or his "poopy face" (I've posted pics of the poopy face above). The mustard-like substance shot out from his tiny little baby body with the force of a firehose and got me good. He hit my arm from elbow to wrist, my side (including my white underwear), a bit of my thigh, my calf and finally a whole s*!tload (pardon the pun) on my foot. Even with all that on me, he managed to get some on the floor. Yay for hardwood floors! Luckily Daddy was still home and could come to Mommy's rescue with a bunch of paper towels. Zach just stared at me with a very contented look on his face....

Zach's fussy times seem to be intensifying. He's a pretty gassy little dude. He's also had an additional fussy time during the day today and yesterday. I'm hoping that doesn't continue!! "They" say fussiness peaks at about 6 weeks and should subside by 3 months.. Well, one month down, two to go.... I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...


Failsafe said...

was your response a simple, "shit..."

JackiYo said...

Ya, pretty much. Although I don't remember the exact words I used!!

mom2peaches said...

Isnt it amazing how much "stuff" can come out of such a small person? I feel your pain my friend and roll my eyes heavenward along with you!

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